Friday, April 1, 2016

Week 1

As a freshman I realized the division of the North and South campus almost immediately. When I first starting going I noticed the classes that use your right side of the brain are separate from the classes that use your left. For instance, all the the critical thinking classes are located in the South campus where as the creative thinking classes are located in the North. As a South campus major my classes are math oriented versus the North side where the classes require more writing assignments which is harder for me to do. Sometimes I even hear stereotypes of the students whore are taking South campus majors or North campus majors. They say everyone in the South side students look tired while the North side students are more expressive. 

Perspectively, I view the two sides as separate but like the article, “A Dangerous Divide: The Two Cultures in the 21st Century”, says these sides can help each other. According to the article “When students interact with scientists and engineers, the experience is transformative” (New York Academy of Sciences). Though the campus is separated by stereotypes and location we can still combine the two students to create something great (Milk and Food Coloring Experiment). Just like the combination of the left and right hemisphere of the brain, separately they can function on their own but together they create a wonderful human being. 
 Thus combining the critical and creative thinking gives room to the third culture, contemporary scientists. With art and science combined students are creating interactive, informative, and beautiful projects. Such as Scott Livesey who uses gene mapping and prosthetics to explore the idea of organ transplants. As seen in the photo, he was able to animate what would happen is you remove the entire skin from the face. 

In my academic life I can use the third culture to animate areas of research that I would not be able to view in a physical form. 

Stelarc. Stretched Skin. 2009. Photograph. Scott Livesey Galleries. Web. 1 April 2016.
Incredible Science. Milk Food Coloring And Dish Soap Experiment. 2014. Video. YouTube. Web. 1 April 2016.
Left Brain Right Brain Wallpapers. Photograph. Web. 1 April 2016. 
A Dangerous Divide: The Two Cultures in the 21st Century. 2009. New York Academy of     Sciences. Web. 1 April 2016.
Artists. Art and Science. Web. 1 April 2016.


  1. Hi Kelsey,

    I am a South campus major too and I agree with your comments on the stereotypes of North and South campus major. I, too, find North campus major more expressive.. I like how you brought in the concept of "third culture"- the amalgamation of critical and creative thinking (as exemplified by the Milk and Food coloring experiment).


  2. Hey Kelsey

    Never actually been on the campus at UCLA but the same is true at UCI. sometimes i walk into the library during finals and feel like i've entered a whole other space than the one i'm used to in my humanities department. i do think its important to emphasize this third culture as it may be the best way to make changes and progression. thoughts that develop out of both cultures will be much more holistic and effective, and so bridging the gap between the two fields is crucial.
